Dianabol 80 Injectable Steroids Oil Dbol Methandienone 80mg/ml
Androgenic index – (40-60)
Anabolic index – (90-210)
Estrogen level – Moderate
Progestational activity – Not significant
Toxicity for the liver – Moderate
The main effect is rapid increase in muscle mass by activation of protein synthesis and glycogenesis
Improves your strength
Has a relatively small fat burning effect
Improves bone density
Increases you appetite
Androgenic index is pretty low (about 50% of testosterone) nevertheless, it takes place in vivo
In most of researches, the result is that side effects begin only at high doses 30mg/daily and more
Common cycle length is 6-8 weeks (hardcore athletes can use it up to12 weeks)
Beginners: 10 mg/daily
Hobby: 10-30 mg/daily
Professional Range: 20-50 mg/daily
Women: 5-10 mg/daily
Active Life: 5-8 hours
Detection time: 5 weeks (some athletes has reported of maximum time for about 12 weeks)
Post Cycle Therapy starts after 2-3 weeks, after last administration.
Tamoxifen Citrate with dosage of 20mg during 2-4 weeks, in final week the dosa is gradually reduced to a complete zero.
It is necessary to monitor your blood pressure.
After your cycle, you can use a testosterone booster for 3-4 weeks
Methandienone + Testosterone
Methandienone + Sustanon
Methandienone + Primobolan
Methandienone + Trenbolone + Testosterone
Methandienone + Nandrolone + Testosterone
1) Dianabol 80 induces power and stamina by improving glycogenolysis. Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen to glucose for energy utilization. When you train, your body’s glycogen reserve gets depleted fast leading to fatigue and decreased endurance.
2) Dianabol prevents this occurrence by readily replenishing glycogen reserve for increased work output and duration. The fact that Dianabol 80 is capable of delivering both muscle mass and strength gains in a very short period is another advantage for this steroid.
3) Dianabol is a very powerful steroid, in terms of both androgenic and anabolic effects on the user. The result of these effects will result in a great buildup of muscle mass and strength in a relatively quick period of time. That said, its main use is in mass building stacks.
1)20ml @ 50 mg/ml
1 gram of Methandrostenolone powder
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
19 ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
2)250ml @ 80 mg/ml
20 gram of Methandrostenolone powder (1ml=1.12g)17.86ml
40ml BB
10ml BA
182.14ml Grapeseed Oil
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